The “Superhero” series stems from the belief that we all have beauty and magic within us. Using the visual language of prisms and sparkles propelling out of eyes and hands, and mouths, the superhero series aims to celebrate the very real magic that we can cultivate and emanate from our minds and bodies into this world.


Social Distancing | 36″x30″ | Acrylic on Panel | Available


Love in the Time of Quarantine | 56″x12.5″ | Tape and Resin on Plexiglass | SOLD

Super Spectrum | 48″x24″ | Acrylic on Canvas | SOLD

Sarah Stieber Series

Goddess on a Good Day | 54″x42″ | Acrylic on Canvas | SOLD

The Sky is Always Bluer | 30″x40″ each | Acrylic on Canvas | SOLD

Room Bloom | 30″x60″ | Acrylic on Canvas | SOLD

Transformation in Transition | 54″x36″ | Acrylic on Canvas | SOLD

Inside Out, Outside In | 14″x11″ | Framed Acrylic on Canvas | SOLD

Rainbow Rocket | 48″x40″ | Acrylic on Canvas | SOLD

Illuminated | 24″x24″ | Acrylic on Canvas | SOLD

Sarah Stieber Series

Prism Power | 24″x18″ | Acrylic on Canvas | SOLD

News Blues | 24″x18″ |Acrylic on Canvas | SOLD


Manifestation | 24″x18″ | Acrylic on Canvas | SOLD

In My Power | 36″x36″ | Acrylic on Canvas | SOLD

Lifting the Veil | 48″x24″ | Acrylic on Canvas | SOLD

Females as Strong as Hell | 30″x40″ | Acrylic on Canvas | SOLD

American Dream | 36″x42″ | Acrylic on Canvas | SOLD

Akasha | 24″x18″ | Acrylic on Canvas | SOLD

Let There Be Light | 18″x12″ | Framed Acrylic on Canvas | SOLD

The Power of Complementaries | 8″x8″ | Framed Mixed Media on Panel | SOLD

Love Warrior | 8″x8″ | Framed Mixed Media on Panel | SOLD

Fashion Passion | 8″x8″ | Framed Mixed Media on Panel | SOLD

Third Eye | 8″x8″ | Framed Mixed Media on Panel | SOLD

United | 8″x8″ | Framed Mixed Media on Panel | SOLD

In Her Hand | 8″x8″ | Framed Mixed Media on Panel | SOLD

Light the World | 12″x15″ | Tape and Resin on Plexiglass | SOLD


Manifestation | 12″x12″ | Tape and Resin on Panel l SOLD

Quaranteam | 12″x12″ | Tape and Resin on Panel l SOLD

Rainbow Yogi | 12″x12″ | Tape and Resin on Panel | SOLD

Siam Sanctuary | 12″x12″ | Tape and Resin on Panel l SOLD